Since pharmacists are becoming more clinically involved, it is becoming increasingly important to keep up with modern medicine. As such, a residency after graduation from pharmacy school is a great way to gain exposure to the latest developments and to get a job as a hospital or clinical pharmacist.
Residency for pharmacists take place over 2 years (PGY-1 and PGY-2). The first year is general and provides a wide range of study and helps future pharmacists decide which clinical areas to focus on. The second year is specific and allows the future pharmacist to specialize in a particular field of pharmacy medicine.
Residency specialties offered include health system pharmacy administration, nutrition, informatics, critical care, emergency medicine, psychiatric medicine, solid organ transplant, pharmacotherapy, geriatric care, managed care, pediatric care, internal medicine, infectious diseases, ambulatory care, drug information, oncology, medication use safety, nuclear pharmacy, and cardiology.
To get a residency, prospective candidates go through a matching system that is sponsored by the American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP). Candidates can attend Midyear for the Residency Showcase and sign up for the Personnel Placement Service (PPS) where they can meet with representatives from various residency programs in December. After reviewing residency programs, candidates complete an application and attend interviews. Applications require an updated resume, transcript, reference letters, and essays. The applicant selects from their favorite residency programs and the residency program selects their top picks for candidates. Residency is given if there is a match between an applicant’s selection and the residency program’s pick.